Scripture Engagement

What is Scripture Engagement?

Scripture Engagement is a term used in the Bible Translation world to talk about everything that goes alongside translation work and is even included in elements of the translation process; some would say it is more important than the translation work.

You cannot have one Bible Translation without Scripture Engagement!

Without Scripture Engagement, Bibles sit on a shelf as a beautiful book, audio device or holy talisman, never touching the lives of God’s people. What is translation without transformation through God’s Word?

Scripture Engagement essentially translates the Bible into the life and culture of your community. It expresses and portrays biblical truths in local, relevant and engaging ways, using your way of doing things. It takes the Scriptures into all areas of life in creative ways, to address every situation, allowing all people to engage with the unique God of the Bible to see individual and communal transformation. It provides a link or a bridge between God’s Word and your community: it brings the truth of the Bible to us and leads us deeper into the Scriptures.

SE is something we all do already, in church and in daily life. However, we are often limited by stereotypes and traditions (often good), distracting us from many other options and opportunities for SE. The aim of actively pursuing SE is to free you to be who God made you to be, and to allow you to deeply engage with both God and His Word naturally.

Get Involved with Scripture Engagement

The truth of God’s Word is beautiful, challenging, and transformational.

How do you engage with God's Word? How does your church use the Bible?

We offer training to help you see the Bible anew, to free you to engage with God through His Word

using your own personality, skills and passions, and to help you lead others to do the same.

Bringing the Bible to Life: an introductory workshop to Scripture Engagement which will break stereotypes and help you to build a bridge between God’s Word and every corner of your life and community.

Delve into the Scriptures with fresh eyes, explore the creativity of God’s Word and World, and be equipped to lead others as they engage with the Bible in their own language for the first time.

Scripture Engagement in Bible Translation

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