
Incoming Translation News

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Translation Matters | Going Together = Growing Together | December 2024 - January 2025


From the outset of His ministry, Jesus always seemed to be on the move. “Come, follow me,” was the call for the disciples to join Him on His journey, “and I will send you out to fish for people” (Matthew 4:19). The final words to His friends before He ascended to heaven was “Go and make disciples of all nations…” (Matthew 28:19). The Christian experience is dynamic, full of movement and action.

The activity of the Spirit poured out on believers has always been to enable witnesses to spread out “to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). Jesus commented on this dynamic of the Spirit, “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit” (John 3:8).

It is wonderful to be part of the Bible Translation Movement. There are translations happening in 2500 languages across the world. In November, an expression of this movement called the Wycliffe Global Alliance met together for the first time in Africa at the Global Gathering. It was a privilege for Wycliffe South Africa to welcome 250 participants from 60 countries as we gathered in Boksburg in Ekurhuleni. The theme was “Growing Together” and we certainly experienced the joy of the Lord as we met and mingled.

Immediately following the Global Gathering I led a small tour group from Slovakia, Czechia and Denmark to visit our Sepulana translation in Bushbuckridge. The time on the road was an opportunity to get to know each other, sharing life stories, meals and jokes. It was a wonderful experience. We discovered that as you go together, you grow together. New friendships have formed and potential new partnerships too.

Susan van Wynan in her book, “The Journey Concept” says, “As we see how journey is portrayed in God’s Word, we will also gain wisdom for applying the journey concept to our participation in God’s mission” (p.63). I hope your Christian experience is full of adventurous journeys, that you are on mission with God and other Christian friends. The abundant life is never static, but it is restful.

As we walk in our teams with Jesus, He brings us into contact with others along the path. Some will edify us, some will stretch us; all are for us to love and serve. We enjoy the feast of communion, sharing stories and contemplating new horizons. We go together and we grow together.

Alan Webster

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Downtown Johannesburg. Photo by Simon Hurry on Unsplash

Every day at the Global Gathering, Reverend Simon Mwangi, from Kenya, gave a talk on the theme of the day. In one of those talks, he shared a prophecy about South Africa. Below is the transcript (lightly edited for readability).

“I speak to Johannesburg, the city, and I say, “Johannesburg, the city, you are blessed. Johannesburg, the city, you occupy a very important space in South Africa because the whole of South Africa marks the southernmost tip of Africa.”

And if you know the map of Africa, it is designed like a pistol. If you look at the map of Africa, Cameroon is where the trigger is. Cameroon, at the corner there, if you hold it like a pistol, Cameroon is the trigger. Kenya is where the bullet is put. And then South Africa is where the bullet actually gets out through. 

I want to say to Johannesburg and say to South Africa, “God has a mighty prophetic destiny for this nation”. 

And I speak to you, South Africa and Johannesburg, “rise to your calling, rise to your calling. May Jesus be enthroned in this nation. And may everything that has stood in the way of the enthronement of Christ come down - every stronghold, every high thing - come down right now in the name of Jesus Christ.” 

I am praying for revival coming from this place just by virtue of us gathering here and just by virtue of the worship we are about to lift up to God. Right now, I see an open heaven. I see a God who is listening and who is waiting.

2 Chronicles 7 verse 15. “My ears and my eyes are set on this place.” That's what I'm hearing God telling me.

2 Chronicles 7 verse 14 says, “If my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves, seek my face, turn from their wicked ways and pray, then God says, I'll hear from heaven. I'll forgive their sins and I'll heal their land.”

And so South Africa, you have a prophetic destiny. You have hosted the Global Gathering 2024. God has opened the heavens above you. And as praise goes up from this place, God is going to move, I'm prophesying now, in an unprecedented way in this region of Africa. God is waiting for the worship and praise of his people. And then he will move in his power.

I see him with the open heaven. I see a hand stretched from the open heavens. And that hand is stretched over South Africa. And that hand is saying, “Can't this hand do as the potter has done?” Jeremiah 18 verse 6. “Because,” verse six, “you are like clay in my hand, South Africa.” And God is saying, “I am going to mould you and I'm going to shape you into a vessel of noble use.”

And South Africa shall arise and South Africa shall shine. And the men and women of South Africa shall go to the North, shall go to the South, shall go to the East, shall go to the West. And they shall be carriers of the glory of God. And they shall take the glory of God to the ends of the earth. And everywhere they go, they shall make a difference.”

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Reverend Mwangi at the Global Gathering 2024

Day 1: Celebrating Friendship as We Grow Together
(Daily theme: Community)

Reverend Simon Mwangi reflected on the transformative power of reconciliation through Christ, emphasising unity and friendship as the fruit of redemption. He highlighted how Christ’s sacrifice removes barriers, unites people, and exemplifies God’s vision for humanity. He described three dimensions of friendship: Purchased Friendship, established through Christ's sacrifice; Practical Friendship, requiring intentional actions to foster unity and reconciliation; and Powerful Friendship, which serves as a testimony to the world, showcasing God's love and healing. He encouraged collaborative efforts and celebrated the global church's diversity as a foretaste of heaven's unity.

This talk can be viewed as part of the Day 1 livestream recording here starting at 2:23:21.

Day 2: Celebrating the Church as We Grow Together
(Daily theme: The Church)

Drawing on Ephesians chapter 3, this message explored the role of the church in propagating God’s redemptive plan, with individuals operating as part of the ecosystem of the church. Three components of the church are highlighted: sending, supporting, and rejoicing. The sending church, like Antioch, identifies and commissions individuals for mission. The supporting church offers prayer, fellowship, and resources. Lastly, the rejoicing church celebrates testimonies of transformation and missionary achievements. Together, these dimensions strengthen the church's mission to expand God's kingdom.

This talk can be viewed as part of the Day 2 livestream recording here starting at 23:49.

Day 3: Celebrating God's Word as we Grow Together
(Daily theme: The Translated Word)

The message celebrates God's Word as a spiritual, powerful, and profitable weapon. As a Spiritual Weapon, God's Word is the Sword of the Spirit. It is used for countering the enemy's schemes, uprooting sin and confronting spiritual forces. It is also a Powerful Weapon, capable of piercing hearts and revealing truths. It is restorative. It is redemptive. It is healing, and it needs no assistance. In Ezekiel 37, it brought life to dry bones. Finally, it is a Profitable Weapon: Scripture is profitable for teaching, correcting, and training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Its impact includes church growth, discipleship, and life transformation.

This talk can be viewed as part of the Day 3 livestream recording here starting at 15:27.

Day 4: Celebrating God’s Glory as we Grow Together
(Daily theme: The Glory of God among the nations)

This talk focussed on three dimensions of God’s glory: intrinsic, revealed, and demonstrated. God's intrinsic glory is His unchanging, eternal nature. He is the "I AM," sovereign and constant, independent of circumstances. Knowing God’s intrinsic nature means we can depend on and trust Him no matter the circumstances. His revealed glory is made relational through Jesus Christ, who became flesh to dwell among us. God revealed himself through Jesus so that we are able to engage with him, and we know that He understands us because He has suffered everything we have in human form. His demonstrated glory is evident in His works and through people - miracles, transformations, and lives restored. 

Unfortunately this livestream is not available due to the security of some of those who appear in it.

Day 5: Celebrating Dependence on God as we Grow together
(Daily theme: Dependence on God)

In this message, Reverend Mwangi challenged us to depend on God in all areas of life and ministry. Drawing from Scripture, he emphasised trusting in God’s grace, provision, and guidance. He highlighted three factors in dependence on God: faith, which involves seeing the future through God's eyes and embracing His plans; surrender, which we do by releasing control to God, allowing Him to work through us; and prayer, a vital tool to connect with God and invite Him into our work. With total reliance on God comes peace, rest, and divine breakthrough. Much more can be achieved with dependence on God than striving in our own strength to achieve our own plans.

This talk can be viewed as part of the Day 5 livestream recording here starting at 21:45.


By Ansie van der Merwe

Delegates praying together at the Global Gathering 2024

“The relationships that form and grow here may indeed represent answers to prayers for deep needs. We look forward to what God will do here.”

— The Discernment Team

The Global Gathering provided a wonderful opportunity for prayer and intercession. A dedicated team of 50 individuals prayed for the event, with five intercessors present on-site throughout the Gathering.

We were deeply moved by God’s kindness in many ways. For instance, several delegates who had not yet received their visas to travel to South Africa were granted them just in time—some on the day before their departure and others on the very day they needed to travel—following persistent prayer.

One delegate mistakenly took a taxi from the airport instead of the shuttle bus. Realising his error, he got out and continued to the hotel by shuttle, only to discover that his phone was missing. After we prayed, he returned to the airport, found the same taxi, and his phone was safely returned! Praise God for His faithfulness.

Prayer was woven throughout the Gathering. Pastor Mwangi, our devotional speaker, shared that his church in Kenya was praying fervently for the event. He remarked, “There is something very unique about an event that has been prayed over.” We could truly feel the power and truth of those prayers.

At the start of the event, the intercessors were asked to pray for a renewed sense of identity. 55% of participants were attending a global event for the first time. It was heartwarming to witness the joy and excitement as people reconnected with old friends and formed new relationships. Many shared how much they had learned about the Alliance and how it helped them better understand their role within it.

Participants will look back to the event as a time in which they experienced God’s presence. His presence has been strong, tangible, and tender at many moments throughout the Gathering. 


"There is no clearer way to discern the presence of God’s Spirit than to identify the moments of unification, healing, restoration and reconciliation. Wherever the Spirit walks, divisions vanish and inner as well as outer unity manifests itself.”

― Henri Nouwen, Life of the Beloved


"Great leaders pray. The prayer life of great leaders is commensurate to what they end up achieving. If their prayer life is zero, very little is achieved, and those leaders become micromanagers. They become very insecure. They are running everywhere. But those who really trust the Lord for every team member, pray for every team member, pray for the work, pray for everything, they get to know the peace that passes understanding."

― Pastor Simon Mwangi, Associate Pastor, Parklands Baptist Church, Nairobi


By Alan Webster

Mission Tourism trip to the Sepulana translation after the Global Gathering

A Czech, a Slovak and a Dane were travelling in a car… It sounds like the start of a joke, but it is actually the start of a new initiative for us, called Mission Tourism.

In April, at a team Dream Session, we stretched our faith to imagine the possibilities of what God could do in and through Wycliffe South Africa. One thing we thought about was teams coming from around the world to see firsthand the glory of God in how He transforms lives and communities where the Bible is translated. At the same time, they would get to see parts of Africa, to return home as advocates of Bible translation.

It was merely an idea, but God was already putting things into action. We were approached by the Board Chairs and Directors of Wycliffe Slovakia, Denmark and Czechia, as well as someone from the Europe Area of the Alliance, to arrange a visit to one of our translation communities. 

God not only initiated, He also took care of the details, like the weather. The day before we left it was 41°C in Bushbuckridge, but things cooled down dramatically which made for more pleasant conditions. The day we got to see God’s Window, it was clear, but the rest of the time was overcast, so the beautiful views would have been mist (pardon the pun)! We also got to see the Big 5 at the Kruger National Park.

Wycliffe Canada approached us to send a group of young adults to visit two translation communities. This will happen in May 2025. At the Global Gathering, mission tourism had the most interest and we are expecting to receive teams, especially from Europe. God has chosen the last and the least of the nations to demonstrate His glory on the earth. Mission tourism will facilitate groups coming to see what God has done through His Word.

A special thanks to Darren Staines from House of the Lord in Benoni for being our driver and braai master on the trip. It was a joy to have you join us. 


“Meeting the Sepulana translators was a great experience. They were so dedicated to the work and so proud that their language got their own Bible. The look in their eyes will stay with me forever. Also seeing that the pastors already had started using it in the churches, showed me how much need the translation into Sepulana is.”

― Jørn Blohm Knudsen, Denmark

“Being able to visit the Sepulana translation project was a great experience. Being able to witness the team in action translating the Word of God was a first for me. One I will not forget. It gave me chills to see the Sepulana people engaged in the process. Besides visiting the translation project we were able to see a bit of South Africa, taking in some beautiful sights. So enjoyable. It was great that Wycliffe South Africa made the arrangements for us.”

― Bud Speck, Europe Area

“As a church partner in the translation with Sepulana, I was blessed to join the team recently on a mission tourism trip to Bushbuckridge. Every time I take a trip to Bushbuckridge I learn some more about the translation process and I realise the size of this task to translate the Bible into any language. What detail is needed to get the exact meaning for each sentence correct. As a team member on the pioneer trip of mission tourism, how exciting to have people from 5 different countries in one vehicle. Initially as strangers but over a few days leaving as great friends. The ability to engage in so many discussions on so many topics and hear the different opinions from each person was truly something special. With us growing closer and being able to pray for each other’s needs. I can really commend this program and will truly support it wherever possible.”

― Darren Staines, Missions director at House of the Lord Benoni

There are many ways for churches to contribute and partner in bringing the transforming power of God’s Word to those who don’t have it. Below, some of these ways are listed. Visit this link or contact us for more information or to discuss the options.

Wycliffe Ambassador  |  Scripture Engagement Workshops  |  Adopt a Language  |  Foundation 5000  |  Join or Host An Event  |  Visit A Language Group  


By Mesuli Tshele

The Alive in Kaaps team performing at the Sabbath celebration

As the week winds down and the sun sets, a sacred rhythm begins: the unfolding of the Sabbath. This special day invites us to step away from our daily routines and immerse ourselves in a state of rest and gratitude. As the ages have come and gone, as the world modernised and became busier – Christians have largely become non-subscribers to this sacred gift of the Sabbath from our Father in heaven. 

The Sabbath celebration at the Global Gathering sought to remind us of the incredible gift the Sabbath is to Christ followers all over the world, to remind us of how God intended for us to live. The delegates engaged in a Sabbath meal together, opening themselves to identify areas where their souls and bodies needed rest. They then continued to pray together and then enjoyed an evening meal together. This was such a powerful time for us to connect with God deeply but also to connect in a way that offered rest for our souls. It felt like our bodies were responding to the call of the Creator to live in the way that He intended us to. 

This incredible time was followed by a celebration in worship, with every tribe and tongue in the room being able to praise God together. I found the Sabbath celebration not only helped start or enhance the practice of the sabbath amongst us but also ignited such wonderful worship in everyone present. My prayer is that as we go away from the Global Gathering, we will embrace all the more the rhythms of rest that God gifted us in the Sabbath. 


The logistics team for the Global Gathering 2024

“A foretaste of heaven as described in Revelation 7.”

“Excellence with humility.”

“Digging deep together into richer streams of God’s abundance.”

― Stew Johnson

“The Global Gathering was an amazing experience. It was so inspiring to be with so many people from all over the world, all working towards the same objective. Just in the communications team there were 8 countries represented! It was truly a testament to being one body in Christ.”

― Jen Pillinger

“My experience can be summarised by this song: All things in earth and Heaven are being brought together in Him. All people, all nations, will stand side by side before Him. All things will be uncovered in the searching gaze of the King, no apartheid or segregation. As we stand reconciled, we sing.


― Sarah-Odwa

“The Global Gathering saw more than 60 nationalities gathered to celebrate what God has been doing through the Bible translation. Under the event title of Growing Together, the intention wasn’t just to hold meeting after meeting, but to create a space where colleagues from different places could find space to become friends. 

This ethos extended to my communications team, who worked long days to run the screens, capture stories and videos, manage the sound and send messages home. This team of 11 came from 8 countries, and despite never having worked together before, built quick friendships and contributed significantly to an amazing time.”

― Phil Prior

The Lord watches over His Word so wonderfully. How humbling it was to be among many nations and tribes - all as one, glorifying Him. A glimpse of the beautiful picture of eternity that awaits us as sons and daughters. It was an honour to get to serve and be served.

― Sizukiwe Vimbani




Run for the Bibleless is now LIVE! Go to for more details. Tickets are now on sale for the event on Saturday 8th March at Bunny Park in Benoni, Gauteng, as well as for events happening in Cape Town and Pretoria. 

If you want to run with a group at a different location, you can register your event here. Once registered, people will be able to book tickets on our Quicket event page: 

‍This year we are also having a Bible Relay Race! We invite teams of 4 (2 male, 2 female) to enter from a school, church, or organisation. Each runner will complete 1 lap of Bunny Park, using a Bible as a baton to pass between Them. You can download the information flyer here.



Hi kids! 

We have been watching rather a lot of rugby in my house recently. I wonder if your house is the same? My family and I love watching the Springboks play and have been really happy at all the games they have won recently. As I write this, they are the World champions, having won the last 2 Rugby World Cups and are also at the top of the rugby table.

I love the motto that the Springboks use: STRONGER TOGETHER. And you can see when you watch them that it really is true. It is so cool to see our champions put their arms around each other and push in the scrum; moving big, muscly men from another country backwards and away from the ball. 

If one Springbok tried to do a scrum by himself, he would get totally squashed by the other team. He would be no good at all. It’s when the team works together that they are strong. TOGETHER they are STRONGER!

At the start of a rugby game, they sing the national anthem and the cameraman slowly moves along the lined-up team, so we get a chance to see who is playing that day and what they look like. What a mixed group they are! Some are short and some are really tall. Some have huge muscles and some look much smaller. Some have dark-brown skin; some have light-brown skin, and some have pale skin. Some have brown eyes, and some have blue or green eyes. But, TOGETHER they are STRONGER! 

They all come from different places too and they grew up under different circumstances. Some had rich families; others grew up in poor families. Some had many brothers and sisters; others were the only child in their homes. Fancy schools, poor schools. Big cities, isolated farms. Because they are all so different they have learnt different skills and ways to play rugby. They can all share their experience and methods and learn from each other. This helps them play better rugby. It’s another way that TOGETHER they are STRONGER!

I have explained to you before about what Wycliffe South Africa does. They help to translate the Bible into different languages so that people can have a Bible to read that is in a language that they understand. Lots of people do not understand English and so they can’t read one of our Bibles. They won’t know about Jesus and how much He loves them if they don’t have a Bible translated into their own language. It is hard work for the people at Wycliffe and can be tough to work out the best way to do this.


A few weeks ago, the people from Wycliffe South Africa went to a Global Gathering. People that do Bible translation from all over the world met together. There were people from 60 different countries!!! Some were faraway countries like Australia, Brazil and Japan. Other people came from countries near to us like Botswana and Zimbabwe. Just like the rugby team, they all looked a bit different from each other, but TOGETHER they are STRONGER! They all came from different places and different circumstances. They all had different skills and different ways to do Bible translation. They could all share their experiences and methods and learn from each other. TOGETHER they are STRONGER! If the people from Wycliffe South Africa just worked by themselves and didn’t have anything to do with any other Bible translators, they would not do such a good job. Just like a rugby player who tried to do a scrum by himself, they would not be very strong. They need each other!  TOGETHER they are STRONGER at Bible translation.


Challenge for you: 

Every day for this whole week, pray for the people all over the world who are translating the Bible so that everyone can know that Jesus loves them. Pray that they will work together and be strong so that they can do a good job. 

Love from Aunty Gill

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