Bible Storytelling Workshop


Each workshop can be tailor-made to your church’s context. However, the more time you can give to cover the content, the fuller the experience will be. A full workshop covers the following areas.

  1. Crafting
  2. Revising
  1. Telling
  2. Teaching
  1.  Leading
  2. Practical

Various topics are integrated throughout these areas, such as attitudes for ministry and facing your fears. The bare minimum for a workshop consists of crafting, revising, telling, and practical, which takes up to 8hrs. Some template timetables are available at the bottom of this document.

Learn how to share the Bible in a non-confronting form with old and young alike, to craft and tell a story, and to lead a Bible study from your story.

These skills are also used in Oral Bible Translation. If you are interested in visiting a language group, this workshop will be great preparation for working with the community.

If you would like to host a workshop at your church or life group, please complete this form

Minimum: 12 people

Timetable Options

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